pictures, being indian, fanvids, fandom love, pimpings, personal, veronica mars, rob thomas, books, food, enrico colantoni, comics, i hate the shipping news

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  • Welcome to the Panty Club for Homos!

    spectralbovine Aug 15, 2006 21:19

    First of all, it is Rob's birthday. Happy birthday, Rob!

    Second of all, it is India's Independence Day. Fuck you, British Empire!*

    Third of all:
    Calling all VM fans: International Brainstorming Session

    We have less than two months left to bring new viewers to Neptune. You know what that means. Time for another brainstorming session! The last Read more... )

    being indian, fandom love, pimpings,, veronica mars,, rob thomas, lj friends

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  • Farewell My Comic-Concubine

    spectralbovine Jul 26, 2006 03:25

    It was a harrowing weekend, to be sure. If you are up for it, hear my tale. Spend several thousand words for me. In fact, some of those thousands of words will be in the form of pictures. Yes, although I did not dress Blinky up, he got taken out somewhere fun. Feel free to skip the sections that don't interest you.

    Friday night hijinks )

    michael muhney, personal, veronica mars, i'm a moron, kristen bell, ryan hansen, girls, alamo marsathon, rob thomas, enrico colantoni, firefly, lj friends, pictures, it's a small world, fandom love, i am so awesome, not being a serial killer, pimpings, cathy belben, twop, comic-con

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    spectralbovine Jul 12, 2006 23:57

    Am I cooler than the Cylons?

    Next Friday after work, I will BART down to the Oakland aiport and fly to L.A., where I will spend some quality time with dahliam, my dearest friend in the entire world named Dahlia.

    Saturday morning, we will head down to San Diego. aprilbegins, do you have wheels? I haven't had a chance to ask if you can join us ( Read more... )

    personal, lost, dead like me, veronica mars, kristen bell, rob thomas, firefly, lj friends, the 4400, fandom love, television, real life friends, battlestar galactica, serenity, comics, wonderfalls, comic-con

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  • VM Truthiness

    spectralbovine May 28, 2006 17:05

    So, the anonymous hate is at it again. Yes, the summer hiatus has brought about another round of "Let us say mean and nasty things about people we may or may not even know personally under the guise of anonymity!" I'm not going to point you in its direction; you can find it easily enough, I'm sure. The most hurtful part of it all is of course the ( Read more... )

    fandom wank, word to my anonyrats, fandom love, reader participation

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